Colour for Marketing — The meaning of Brand Colour

Research reveals people make a subconscious judgment about a person, environment, or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on brand colour alone”. Source — CCICOLOR — Institute for Color Research. So choosing the right brand colour for your business is very important.

Colour Psychology

Humans behaviour changes following numerous things, and it may be laborious to understand that of those many things — one is colour. The study of these behavioural changes per colours is known as Colour Psychology. You might find some colours attractive and despise some, and when the audience is broad, the adoption of colours to attract them is merely based on the larger group. To understand this, you have to understand the meaning of each colour — and then you can surmise what influence does it have over an audience. However, this does not mean that no two colours have the same meaning; however, our understanding and grasp of that colour are dependent on our location, moral-values, gender, and many such.

Colour Psychology and Marketing

Human behaviour is the feeling that one has, and the colour evokes these feelings, and it pushes the emotion of one. The same effect gives advantages when you select the perfect shades for your business. When you correctly choose colours for marketing, it will make a lot of difference in making your brand accessible, and stand out in the crowded lanes of the internet. And, to Choose Colours for marketing may sound something dumb, but this small change will have strategical effects not only on your brand but will also help you in your marketing efforts. This simple change can let you outline the audience what you want them to see, and more than anything how you want them to see. And, this is only the sole reason why you should give attention to the psychology of the colour when you are thinking of opening a business because as minute as logo, your landing page, your newsletters, will all have a different and healthy result on your audience.

These colours in marketing will enhance brand attention, and if you choose shades of the wrong blend, it will have severe effects on your brand vision. Consider for example, when you unknowingly chose the colour of your brand logo, or if you run a website, the heading, the content, it will be less readable, as you have geared them out of their comfort them to read something. More likely they will turn themself somewhere else, and the worst-case scenario, they wouldn’t even bother to click and disregard the page all-together.

You have to understand the choosing colour for business should always be with certainty because, on a more significant part, it influences the viewers, even if they give attention, their interpretation may be different. The choices of the colours for business can only be perfect when you understand the colours well, and the results will be useful if you choose and adopt ideally.
We have made a list of some striking colours and will illustrate how these influence one’s impression towards a brand or its merchandise.

Graphic Designer In Perth

You must have noticed Red as a reappeared colour in logos, some of the most famous brands such as KFC, Wendy’s, McDonald’s use this striking colour and are thriving in their fields. The impressions of Colour Red are reactive — and it expedites up our response time, blocking the factors of analytical reasoning of us. When you think of the spectrum of light, you might retain the wavelength of Colour Red is prevalent than any other, and that’s the reason it appears imminent that it actually is. Increasing the appetite, Red stands perfect for any restaurant chains; moreover, it is the colour of romance, passion, vitality, fearfulness, strength, and thrills. However, anger, distress, danger, and warning are some adverse inference.

Brand colours are important

Yellow means Optimism and Warmth

Almost minimally, a few famous brands such as Snapchats have considered this colour, and they must have held enthusiastic about their favourite. When you bring too much yellow, it indicates that it creates feelings of rage, pain, disappointment; however yellow also defines cheerfulness — and the negativity being higher, most of the brands do not use this colour. Though it is an attention-grabbing colour, it increases metabolism and has shown positive impressions of elevating self-esteem. And, that’s the reason you might have identifies it at the traffic signals, hoardings, also are chosen for disclaimer warning signs. If you are considering yellow, you have to know that it Irrationality, Panic, Attention, Concern, Impediment but has its positives as it gives the impressions of happiness, optimism, intellect, creativity, warmth.

Choosing the right colour for marketing your brand

Green means Peaceful and Growth

Green is the most comfortable colour to adjust to our eyes, as it demands no fittings on the retina, and claims for calmness, pleadings and restfulness, this is the colour of relaxation. Our eyes can discern the most shades only of this particular colour — an evolutionary phenomenon — and can benefit us even in the night — the Night Vision goggles use this colour. Also, it stands for sexuality, fertility and more than anything — just look around — it’s the colour of nature which indicates its benefit for the balanced tone — not too much, not too less. It is the colour of reassurance, life-giving, and it’s often said that a brand of green is a safe option. The negative emotions it evokes are Boredom, Stagnation, Jealousy, Blandness, Enervation, and Infirmity; however, the positive sides are much more imperative as it brings health, hope, prosperity, growth, happiness, freshness. To sum up the colour of nature, it brings both health and sickness.
Colours for marketing

Blue means Trustworthy and Mindfulness

Blue is perceived as the colour of the mind, being serene and calming it is often regarded and honoured for it is clear, and where Red is the colour of the body, blue is for communication. Blue is also the most favourite colour on the world-scale and mostly fancied by guys; also it is the colour of the ocean, lakes and the sky — is pretty much omnipresent in our entities. Being this it stands for traditional and non-threatening natures, being conservative it has a global preference when it comes to brands colours and merchandise — Facebook, Google favour it. It enhances the aspect of trust, and you might have seen blue icons on the free shipping labels as it guarantees the assurance certification.

Moreover, it builds for stability and reliability, many factory floors are decorated with blue as it increases productivity. It does have its downsides as it also is the colour of sadness and coldness. Also, it is an indicator of spoilage and position, and many known product colours are blue — for example, Buggati Vidal has manufactures its plates of blue colour as it regulates us to eat more limited. Blue are shades of trust, loyalty, dependability, logic and security, but also, uncaring nature, being emotionless, and unfriendliness.

The meaning of colours

Black means Formality and Power

The black box absorbs all the colour and has more significant psychological indication than any other colour. The glow of superiority, power, it absorbs light which is the energy means it enshrouds enormous personality. Being opposite to the light suggests apocalyptic tones. Black has refinement and proudly stands for sophistication, weight and indicates seriousness. Sony, Prada, The New York Times, and Nike are just remarkable of the copious labels with black logos. It has been timeless and is still, and will be regarded as stylish. The colour of villains, and the colour of the priest, shows authority, substance, security, power, elegance, and also evil, heaviness, intimidation, domination.

Brand colours

White means Purity and Innovative

The opposite of black; the embodiment of all the colours, gives the feeling of absence and has reflective powers attached to it. The colour of innocence and a known symbol of purity, in healthcare contexts white, implies fruitlessness and sanitation. Almost every life aspect is all incomplete without white — the colour of the marriage, the colour of healthy beginning. It heightens the perception of space and is leveraged by most top brands for a sleek style, and a chic finish. It symbolizes the freshness, originality, and shiny origins can shape it perfectly anywhere. The colour of ice also has its negative indications of isolation, coldness, emptiness, unfriendliness. Whereas, purity, simplicity, sophistication, clarity, cleanliness are only some of the reasons it is chosen as the brand colours.

The meaning of colours

In conclusion

The brand colour defines the perception of others towards it as it the integral part of our emotional wellness. When you determine the best tint, it embodies the best brand personality, and it will be useful when you are building it for authentic tick and qualifications. Only if you understand the psychology of colour, you can select the best glare of insights for your brand colour. Being scientific and following best practices even for the minute details has shown definite results, will show. And, next time when you prefer a brand ask yourself, why you chose the particular one!

Choosing colours for your brand

The decision is yours there are many other colours which have a farther distinct meaning, the list titles only a few of them. Make your preferences accordingly.


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